Thursday, May 23, 2019

Leaky roof repairs - Know Here the Disadvantages and Solutions to it


Are you having a leaky roof? Not only it is troubling, but can also be dangerous if it collapses. It is one of the house problems that you should not procrastinate in repairing. That's why leaking roof repairs in East Melbourne is something you need to consider seriously in order to avoid the following disadvantages:
  • Attic and ceiling damage
A leaky roof will cause serious damage to the attic, especially if you have a wooden structured house. This can be cost consuming issue if you don't have the roof repair in time.
  • Mildew development
Another serious issue is the development of mildew and fungi in the roof parts due to the continuous running of the water. Consider any of the company offering expert roof repair in East Melbourne before the mildew development can spread across your entire house.
  • Health hazards
Mildew causes some critical health problems to the people who have high sensitivity. You might be getting allergic reactions, asthmatic symptoms and many more serious health issues.
  • Slippery floors
Leaky roofs create puddles on the floor. While this may not be a serious issue, it can create trouble for the active people in the house like children who run around the house carelessly. Unless you want to mop the floor all the time, you should look for leaking roof repairs in East Melbourne for the effective solutions to fix your roof.
  • Damage to electrical wiring
If your roof is a pathway for the electrical wiring, then leaky roofs create damage to the circuit system due to the wetness. Sometimes, it might lead to sparkles in the circuit which can cause a fire hazard in your house.

While these are the disadvantages of leaky roofs, sometimes the issue can be more critical that you have to change the entire roof. If you are spending more money on the roof repairs with no effective results, you should definitely opt for roof replacement. There are many roofing options available like wood shakes or shingles roofing, metal roofing, slate roofing, clay or ceramic tile roofing, etc.

If you are looking for the leaking roof repairs or roof replacement in East Melbourne, visit Richmond Plumbing and Roofing, the efficient service provider for all kinds of roof and plumbing issues. We have 50+ years of experience in plumbing and roofing and we ensure the expertise in whatever works we do. Contact today for any enquiries and we'd love to assist you.

Monday, April 15, 2019

When and Why Should You Opt for a Gas Plumber Service for Your Property?

Certain plumbing projects require special knowledge and expertise and one of these is natural gas line plumbing. Generally, plumbing is associated with a line of services that deal specifically with water and sewer systems. But, that's not it! There's much more to it and gas plumbing is one amongst them. So, now you know about its existence, be sure to hire the services of a gas plumber in Richmond, South Yarra, Toorak, Clifton Hill, the entire East Melbourne or anywhere else whenever your project involves natural gas lines in your area. 

Why Do You Need a Special Plumber in Case of Gas Lines?

If not installed properly, the pipes carrying natural gas are potentially more dangerous than water pipes. Thus, it clearly makes sense to choose an experienced natural gas plumber to work in such a case.  If you get any thoughts of carrying out this job on your own, it should be reconsidered then and there as proceeding without proper training will bring your personal safety at great risk. 

When Should You Call a Gas Plumber?

If you need to install, extend and repair the natural gas lines or install the associated appliances, it is best to hire a gas plumber in South Yarra, Toorak, Clifton Hill, Richmond or any parts of East Melbourne - wherever the need is as the plumber is well-trained to run gas lines for:

Water heaters
Furnaces or HVAC systems
Outdoor grills
Hot tubs 
Gas leak repair and much more 

So, in a way, gas plumbers can work on projects in almost every room of your property. Not only these, but they can even provide you with their service for larger projects. He can advise you on the best way to re-route the gas piping or help in installing the new system to safely power your appliances when you are expanding, remodelling, replacing or adding any new gas-related appliance in your property.

What Are the Benefits Associated with Hiring a Gas Plumber?

If you decide to hire the services of a gas plumber in Toorak, Clifton Hill, Richmond and South Yarra or anywhere in East Melbourne, you will be entitled to a number of benefits like:

Handling your natural gas project safely
Ensuring that your natural gas-powered appliances are installed correctly and will operate safely
Doing the work code and passing building inspections
Providing excellent customer service 

So, in case you are involved in any project related to gas piping or installation, the first and foremost thing to do is to hire a professional gas plumber in Clifton Hill, Toorak, East Melbourne or anywhere else. When we talk about East Melbourne or nearby, trust none other than the services of Richmond Plumbing & Roofing! We can supply and install gas plumbing and piping system for any purpose. Our expert team is trained to detect and fix gas leaks accurately. If you wish to hire our service for your property, feel free to get in touch with our team for an initial quote. You can also know more about our services and company by visiting our website.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

4 Easy Ways for Clearing a Blocked Drain

One of the most common plumbing issues that you may be facing is a blocked drain. The blockages can occur when you do not expect them; it is wise to be prepared to deal with one beforehand. You cannot leave them untreated as the water leaks from the drains eventually, damaging your property. Obviously, hiring a blocked drain plumber in East Melbourne, Clifton Hill and South Yarra turns out to be the best decision. But still, you need to have some handy knowledge that can help you in emergency situations. 

So let's begin.

Here are some interesting tips that you can consider for clearing a blocked drain.

·       Boiling Water

In order to fix your blocked drain, pour boiling water into the drain. This will loosen the blockage in many cases. But, you can use this method only for ceramic or metal pipes. Otherwise, the heat can loosen the joints on PVC pipes. You can use hot and not boiling water for PVC pipes.

·       DIY Natural Cleaner

Clear the blockage using baking soda and white vinegar. First pour the baking soda and then vinegar into the drain. It is best to cover the drain to prevent the mixture from oozing out of the pipe. The chemical reaction between these two produces oxygen that cleans the inside of the pipes while clearing them out. To get rid of the blockage entirely, you'll need to repeat the process a few times.

·      Caustic Cleaner

The blocked drain plumber in Clifton Hill, South Yarra and East Melbourne has an idea about using the right caustic chemical drain cleaner. If you want to do it on your own, you can simply get it from the local hardware store. The chemicals have the potential to dissolve hair, grease food and other common blockages. But, they are harmful to the environment and must be used sparingly. These caustic cleaners won't work on solid masses like small household items or tree roots. Protect your face and hands while working with these cleaners.

·      Plunger

Just like it clears a clogged toilet, a plunger can also clear a blocked drain. Be sure to cover any overflow spouts before you begin plunging so that you can get a strong seal. This is most useful for solid blockages but not that effective on mineral deposits and grease build-up.

There are many other ways to treat a blocked drain like snake and CCTV, hydro-jet and excavation. But, it is better to leave on the professionals to decide that which method will suit best to treat your blocked drain.

If you are looking for one such blocked drain plumber in South Yarra, Clifton Hill or East Melbourne, look no further than Richmond Plumbing & Roofing. Our expert team can unblock all drains from 100mm-300mm including sewer drains, showers, sinks, baths, storm water drains, laundry troughs, gully traps or even boundary traps. Our plumbers can even advice you the best solution to fix the problem. If you want to get in touch with us for any of the blocked drain work, feel free to contact us directly. You can also visit our website for more information.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 Imperative Questions You Need To Ask Your Plumber

Are you anticipating a plumbing installation or major repair? Hiring the right plumber in Fitzroy can be a gruelling task, especially if you haven’t worked with them before. Hiring the wrong plumber is a concern shared amongst most of the Fitzroy residents.

Before you face any plumbing emergency, it is highly recommended to familiar yourself with a local service provider of plumbing services in Fitzroy that can prevent costly plumbing issues before they occur. Fortunately, there are few good questions that you can ask to your plumber during the hiring process.

  1. Are you licensed?

    This should always be asked first. A licensed plumber is registered with a local governing body and you can rest assured that they are qualified to complete the job for which they’ve been hired. An amateur plumber with no license may not be up to date with current building codes and their work may not pass inspections. Don’t forget to ask their license number too.

  2. Are you insured?

    Apart from license, insurance plays a significant part in any plumber’s credentials. It provides stability when any mistake or accident occurs. Hiring an insured plumber can save you from covering any expenses from their mistakes. Don’t hesitate to ask for proof for added peace of mind.

  3. Do you charge an hourly or flat rate?

    Before signing the contractor, ask your plumber in Fitzroy if he/she will be working for an hourly or flat rate. Plumbers who work for an hourly rate may not be tending to do the job efficiently, which can cause you to spend more.

  4. What warranties are available?

    Before commencing any project, ensure to ask your plumber if they offer warranties. It comes as a rescue when something goes wrong shortly after the project completion. With a warranty you are able to protect your investment on latest plumbing project.

  5. Do you clean up after yourselves?

    While most of the plumbers in Fitzroy will clean up the site after the job completion, this isn’t always guaranteed. To save yourself from huge messes left behind, discuss with your plumber to determine the responsibility for the mess. Sometimes, plumbers also charge an extra fee for cleanup. Thus, it is highly advisable to check this out beforehand.

If you are looking for reliable and efficient plumbing services in Fitzroy, look no further than Richmond Plumbing and Roofing. Our highly-experienced and skilled plumber ensures to deliver you with quality plumbing service that last for years to come. So, what are you thinking? Save our number to day!